The book totally rocked, and while reading it to Spud the other day, she actually started chuckling at one of the pages that has six cheeky possums looking for a treat. We got to the page with nine hungry goannas wondering what to cook before she screamed out to tell me she has had enough. The book just stops short with 14 slick seals heading out to sea.
Why 14, I don’t have a clue. What I do know is that the book is a pretty neat book for kids. Never mind the counting, but the way it was written is so deliriously kooky, even I like it.
Sadly and very unfortunately (for us), the couple has moved out of Bangkok and went back to Australia recently. That means, we have one less cool family to hang out with and do a play date for Spud.
Oh well.
Reading the book to Spud certainly reminds me of them. I hope they are settling in well, back in Australia.
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