Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thai names

One of my new staff goes by the name of “Meaw”.

Now, I never really thought much about that when I hired her, but when I started calling out her name, I felt that it sounded kind of weird to my ears; especially if I have to call out to her several times from my desk. (She is not seated too far away from me, but sometimes I am too lazy to walk over as I need her to come over to my desk and see what I have on my screen).

The name does not mean anything in Thai, apparently ( I asked!).  It just means meow;  like a cat’s meow. So, try calling  “Meaw” out loud for about 3 times to get her attention.

Then I had a retarded thought – my cats all meow, but they each have a name! How bizarre is it to be calling a human “meow”?

Thais and their nicknames, I swear!

1 comment:

Silver Bullet said...

Still not as bad as my colleague called "Khaidaow" (English translation: Fried egg....).