Thursday, January 27, 2011

I am a bad mom

I am probably not the most baby-crazy mom I know. That being said, I am simply not the kind of person to rave about my baby, offering to show everyone her pictures or volunteer information about me and my life in a casual everyday conversation especially with an acquaintance or a stranger I just met. I don’t even do this with my friends, unless they specifically asked for it.

I’m with the notion of why would anybody be interested in my baby? My baby is a cranky pooper-trooper like everyone else’s and it’s like the most boring topic ever!But I digress from my story.

Recently though, a few business-related acquaintances asked me about Spud. And true to its form, they wanted to see a picture of her.

Guess what! I don’t have anything to show for it as there and then, I realised that when I am away from my laptop and digital camera, I actually do not have a single picture of Spud in my phone!

No, ma’am.
Not a single one.
Just only a few of my cats, and perhaps just one of Silver Bullet’s.
Him together with the cats, actually.
And perhaps, some photos of food I'm eating taken mainly for my blog,

And I'm ashamed to admit that I don't really like putting up her photos on the wallpaper of my desktop for the world to see.

For that, I got supremely funny looks. They all must have thought I am weird. After all, what kind of mother doesn’t have a picture of their precious child in their phone?

Yikes! Don’t ask me why I don’t have any pictures of Spud in my phone, I just don’t. Is that really a bad thing?

I do know that I don't love her any less, though! :D

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