Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sippy Cup in Review

From all the different types of sippy cups I bought, this was the only one type which came the closest to Spud’s little mouth when she allowed it (and very briefly too!) during the initial trial of weaning her off the bottle. The rest did not come close, as Spud clamped up her jaws immediately as soon as the spouts touched her lips.

For some reason, Spud was just a tad tolerant of this one; and despite her reluctance to drink from the sippy, she still managed a few sips from this Tommee Tippee Explora Li’l Sippee Sipper Cup.

Image from Google Images

 And hence, I really have no other benchmark to compare since this was the only one which Spud eventually took. Anyhow, what I like about this Tommee Tippee Explora Li’l Sippee Sipper Cup are as follows:
  • Soft Spout – Spud took better to the soft silicone, and I read somewhere that soft spouts tend to support baby’s oral development for first transitions. However, I have also come across the controversies of soft spouts being bad for babies. So I don’t know, really. My take is that it works for Spud, and I don’t think it will be harmful for her since she does have a breakfast, lunch and dinner routine. Her milk intake follows right after that, with some water and juices in between for after snack time. And that means, the sippy is not constantly hanging in her mouth for her to develop any speech impediments or being prone to cavity.
  • BPA Free – a very important feature!
  • One piece valve – easy to clean. No need to figure out the different types of components that comes with the other types of sippies.
  • Minimal spills or leaks – I said Spud trashes this thing around, and depending on how and where it falls, I can attest that it is almost leak or spill proof for 99% of the time. 
  • Colourful and funky looking.
Some sources quoted that it can be used for up to 3 years old. (I do hope Spud will fully be on cups by then, but if she doesn’t I don’t think using a sippy can be much worse than using a bottle)

My only gripe is that this Little Sipper does not come with any measuring indication. And that is a pain in the arse, simply because we have to use another bottle for a more accurate measurement when mixing formula. And oh! Another thing is that it does not come with an attached cover, and being a dodo head like I am, I'll just be waiting for the day when I lose that darn thing.

Other than that, I am quite happy how this has worked for us. It is really not quite a bad buy, and we bought a couple more since then to ensure that we have extras for when we are out and about.

Who would have thought there’s such a big deal surrounding sippy cups!

Big and small...
Top view of the soft cover & spout

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