Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dress in the window

Okay. So I am one of those females who do not enjoy shopping. If anything, I cannot stand the thought of it. Window shopping is not something I would enjoy and shopping has never been my thing. Period.

In fact, unless necessary, I would rather spend the entire day at the zoo rather than negotiate my way in a crowded mall. Such is my sentiments to shopping in general; hence my general lack of attention for merchandise in the shops.

However, if I happened to see something I like, my modus operandi is usually stop-look-see; and if I really like it, I’d do a quick-quick try-pay for it- get the hell out imeediately! If I have to queue for too long in trying to pay for it, I might change my mind and come back for it another day (or not!).

It so happened recently that what appeared like a tailor shop at the corner street of our apartment had a rather pretty looking dress on display which caught my eyes. As far as I am concerned, the shop has been there forever. I passed by it often, and this is one of those rare times when I kind of fell in love with the dress at the window display with each passing day.

Convinced that I really wanted the dress, I made my way into the shop one morning only to be greeted with a rather unfriendly yet puzzled face. Undeterred, I asked the lady in my best pidgin Thai what is the price tag of the dress so I could try it and purchase it immediately. My request was met with not only the most unfriendly “no,no,no,” I have ever had in my life, but also with a rather annoyed shove out of the store! I even had to inch backwards towards the door (and I was only about a meter into the shop) as she hastily moved forward as if to let me know I was not welcome when I asked if she could tailor it for me!

I was a very willing paying potential customer, but she acted as if she did not want my patronage ever! It was the strangest moment.

It makes me wonder if the shop is just a front for something dubious.

I still like the dress, though. Why do they put something up with the intention of not selling it? Perhaps I should try again another time.

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