Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spud's prediction

“It’s going to rain, Mama!”  Spud exclaimed while looking up to the sky as we walked out of the apartment building.

I looked up and while I thought that the morning was not as bright as the previous days, it wasn’t as dark either. There were no dark clouds and there was no wind; and it did not appear like it was going to rain anytime soon. In fact, it was way too bloody hot to even expect a drop of rain.

But I replied with a, “Really? You think it’s going to rain?”

And to that, Spud replied with a confident, “Yes!” .  To which I replied, “I’m not so sure – I don’t think so though, it is way too hot for rain. Quite unlikely, I think.”

We then walked on, and halfway to her school, Spud decided that she has had enough of walking and wanted me to carry her.  The weather today was extremely humid, and by the time I dropped her off in school, I was perspiring like crazy!

Already almost drenched in my own perspiration, I continued walking to my office. And just about halfway there, the rain came pouring down without any warning. Big, giant droplets of rain, too! I was walking in a wide open space with no access to any nearby shelter.  I had no brolly and I had nowhere to run and hide.

As I let out my biggest sigh, I quickened my pace and resigned myself to getting wet from a flash-rain that came from nowhere.

There then came a realization: Spud has been right about the rain after all – and, I should have probably listened to her!

The rain pretty much stopped the moment I stepped into my office building. Figures.

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