Monday, December 31, 2012

Hello another year!

Another year is about to bustle to a close in a matter of hours, and another year added on to our years living in Bangkok.

The end of the world prediction day came and went, and we all lived to see another day. Still, 2012 has been nothing short of being another eventful year - from spending the entire half a year being uncomfortably pregnant once again, to experiencing motherhood for the second time, to experiencing violent rejection from my first-born, to facing some serious challenges at work, to maintaining some sanity of being a working mother and rolling it with #2,  to Spud going to some play school, to experiencing life with a reflux baby and all the everything-else-in-between.

It is also a year of many, many bouts of colds for the family; annoying colds that keep coming back and never actually go away. It is a year of troughs in highs and lows of being a working mother of two little kids. It is a year of pride and prejudices, of dejection and triumphs, of (mis)givings and contentment, and most important of all, of learning and unlearning.

My kids continue to remind me of how everything around us contains magic, and that we are perpetually surrounded by the mystery and wonder in life. My daughter taught me patience that I thought I never had and my son reminds me that there's always something to smile about every day. My husband remains my pillar of strength in my darkest hours and together, we are still trying to make sense of things - and how we could have make sacrifices and given up so much of us and still be happier for it. My cats provides me their unconditional love when it suits them.

2012 has been quite a journey, and we'll continue to contemplate our mysterious and exciting journey into 2013 - come what may.

To those who have been following my blog - stalkers and all,  I really do hope you have thoroughly enjoyed reading my ramblings as I have enjoyed writing them. Thank you once again for coming back to this site over and over again. May we continue to learn and unlearn and to remember that whatever we do, we must never, ever stop learning.

We'll probably be fast asleep before midnight, but here's us in Bangkok wishing you a fabulous 2013 with a promise of many more of my ramblings to come.

 Happy New Year, world!

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