Friday, May 18, 2012


Spud’s crooning quite a lot more these days since she started going to playschool.

Every so often, I'd hear her humming her little songs to herself, and when I look at her asking her what she is singing, she’d be giving me this big grin and then soften her voice a little bit – as if a little shy that she was caught red-handed.  It is quite endearing to “catch” her doing that, especially when she seems caught up in her own little world; like when she is seating in the car, or when she’s doodling or when she gets her nappy changed or  even that few minutes before she drifts off to sleep at night. 

Usually, when I can make out the songs which she was singing, I would sing along with her. That seems to make her happy. Sometimes, I can’t quite make out the songs and I have no idea at all – that was when she would look at me a little funny, making me wonder goes on in her head!

So anyway, in the last few days, she starts to croon away with barely audible words when I prep her up after her evening shower. The tune was not so clear, but she kept going “ki dink ki dink…love youuu..di ki dink…morning…afternoon…ki dink…moon…youuuuuuuu”

As this went on over and over again and over again, she kept looking at me while attempting to sing it; perhaps wanting me to sing with her. For the life of me, though, I can’t quite figure the song out initially.

Then suddenly it hit me. 

It could be a song I knew from a long while back. And,  it was a song I hated so damn much that my hair stood on ends each time I hear it! 

It then dawned on me that it could easily be that stoopid Skidamarinky-dink song and now I have my child singing it to me and it makes her so happy!

So what did I do?

I did not have the heart to ignore her, so I tested water and sang what little I know of the song with with her…

And that made Spud smile a million smiles, as if really pleased that I knew the song; completely making my heart melt.

The worse bit was that she couldn’t stop going ki-dink-ki-dink on me after that and telling me “I love youuuuuuuuuuuuu”  (more heart melts!)

What do you know - for a song which I hated so much,  I actually knew the tune AND some bits of the lyrics! Arrghhhhhhhhhhh!

 Looking at how much she actually loved the song, out of curiosity and biting  the bullet , I then searched  for the lyrics of that song after Spud went to bed just to see what the actual words were. And this is what it is:
Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink Skidamarinky-doooooo
I love you
Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink Skidamarinky-doooooo
I love you
I love you in the morning, and in the afternoon
I love you in the evening, and underneath the moon
Oh….. Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink Skidamarinky-doooooo
IIIIII loooooooooooooooooovvveeeeeeeeeeee yooooooooooooooooooooooouuuuu

You know what other stupid thing I did? I then even downloaded the tune to my phone for her later that night with the intetion of surprising her the next day. (Slaps forehead!)

Silly Skidamarink song. What is it with kids and that song?! And now I cannot get that frigging annoying song out of my head. It will probably stay that way for days on end, too.

If you don't know what I'm talking about and curious about the tune, at the risk of the song playing in your head for days on end, here's a clip from YouTube for your "listening pleasure". It's like super-retro for kids.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

(I am about to crawl back into a deep dark hole and bury myself in there while slap myself silly and cringe away at the hideous tune)

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