Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lovin' It!

The cats were due for their annual rabies jab this weekend and every year, a visit to the vet with 3 cats requiring their mandatory feline shot never fail to bring a smile to my face whenever I see the bill.

3 cats.
3 jabs
And always a special attention required to one particular cat, Andy,  who always happen to have problems with her in-grown nails (she's such a lazy fart who refuses to scratch her nails, and tend to have her nails grow into her tiny little paws) 
Some medication (for Andy)

All of that cost less than 500 hundred baht...which is equivalent to less than 20 SGD. Check this bill out:

Ain't that awfully sweet?! Compared that to the amount of money a pet owner has to pay for  an annual jab of just ONE feline friend in Singapore - which is easily more than 3x the cost for 1 cat...ouch!

This is the bit where I go, "I absolutely love this country". Because,  when it comes to prices like this - I really do love what Thailand has to offer. With such superb and professional service at the vet, the experience and cost have been  absolutely amazing.

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