Saturday, December 20, 2008

Food Issues

I think I have a problem - I don't know what to cook anymore. For a foodie, this can be a serious issue! I've run through all the dishes I know in my head and flipped through the recipe books we have at home. However, nothing really jumps out and just not compelling enough. I have my occasional cravings for egg pratas and most recently, Mee Hoon Goreng Merah Indian-style. Dad used to buy them a lot when I was back home. Come to think of it, I miss those days. Unfortunately, those are the things I can't quite dish out in a couple of hours. If only they have similar Indian hawker stalls in Bangkok like they do in Singapore. Cravings....they are driving me nuts!

I used to wonder how difficult it could be to decide what to cook when Mom used to lament that she doesn't know what to cook for the family. Now I understand how she feels! Miraculously, she's always able to come up with something on the table and we love her cooking. She's an awesome cook and she's been doing that only for more than 30 years. It's only been less than 4 years living on my own and I'm already running out of ideas what meals to whip out. I'm in trouble. Any food suggestions anyone?

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