Wednesday, December 24, 2008

First time to everything

It is a shame that 25th December is not an official public holiday in Thailand. This would also be the 1st time ever in the history of my working life where I have to unwillingly drag my ass to work over a supposedly public holiday that's granted almost throughout the world and I'm not too pleased at all. Ok, one could argue that I could have taken the day off...but that's not the point. The annoying thing is that I'm actually extremely busy at work when it's supposed to be the most lull period of the year! Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve-Eve was spent dealing with unnecessary crisis and leaving the office late. Plus the fact that clients just can't seem to make up their minds for the longest time resulting in hours of re-work!

I'd say, I much rather work as a zookeeper picking up real crap from the animals who can't think for themselves rather than picking up someone else's shit! That would be more satisfying given that I like animals better. I'll give myself a pat on the back for sticking it out, though.

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