Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My peachy moment

Now that Squirt is not completely dependent on my boobs for his meals, I get to temporarily shirk my motherly responsibilities and leave my 2 kids with the Nanny for several hours in the weekdays while I go gallivanting. (Read: Run some errands! Solo.)

Usually, I would be gone for just a couple of hours – my absence from home was hardly felt. One day though, I was out for almost the entire afternoon.  I can’t remember what I was doing, but it was the day where I did not really have the chance to interact with my kids in the morning, and,  I was not feeling at all guilty leaving my 2 babies with the nanny who I know are in good hands.

The moment I came home and walked in the door, Spud looked up from whatever it was she was doing, stood up and with a big, fat smile on her face, bolted towards me and exclaimed, “Mama!”
After some hearty hugs and slobbery toddler kisses with Spud, I then walked over to Squirt who was then happily sitting in his bouncer. The moment I stood down to his level to give him a kiss on his chubby cheek, I was greeted with such wonderful smiles – smiles that seemed to say that he missed me and just all too ecstatic to see me. All this time, Spud hovering over me and her brother.

Ahh! Such warm welcome home.  My heart expanded a thousand times! It feels light and bouncy and warm and toasty.  For a moment, I forgot all that crying and wailing and temper tantrums I have been brutally exposed to since I became a temporary stay home mom.

At that moment, I was wholly consumed by overwhelming sense of joy, pride and love for and from my kids. Such happiness! 

And at that moment, I’m thinking that is really how a mother should feel. Every day should be like this.

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