Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I still remember my sentiments from years ago when Singapore made it mandatory for passengers sitting at the backseat of a car to put on their seatbelts. At that time, I hated it.

But then, like it or not, I quickly got used to it. We all did, given how unyielding the law can be. And now more than a decade later, not wearing any seat-belts while travelling in a car and sitting at the back seat, feels so wrong and so unsafe.

Yet, very unfortunately, that is how we usually travel in any taxis here in Bangkok. While they do have the seat-belts in place, there usually isn’t anything for anyone to latch the darn thing in. Hardly safe... considering most, if not all of the taxi drivers here drive like a maniac thinking that they will be the next legend like Michael Schumacher. In fact, I can safely say that I will be hanging on to my dear life in 8 out of 10 taxi rides here, each time fearing for my life with no seat belts on.

That being said, imagine my surprise when I actually got into a cab equipped with not only a seat-belt but a latch visible in the backseat as well! That thing you call a working seat-belt did wonders to my anxiety each time I get in a cab here and I reckon, it must have been the only very few cabs I have been in so far with a properly functioning seat-belt.

It almost felt like I struck lottery!


Kelpie said...

I tell you a secret ok? ... In SG, I count only 2 out of my frens (you included), who wears the belt when they clamber into the backseat of their cab.=P

The Sleeping Dragon said...


I mean, really, really??!

Kelpie said...

Yeah. Really, really, really.

The Sleeping Dragon said...

Gosh! And here I thought the entire universe is doing it! We paranoid or what!