My! My! Indeed they do and my god! It does seem like Spud is just growing right before my very eyes.
Just a few months ago she was this little red lump who would not stop crying, and wanting to be held all the time. Now she is this tiny little busy person who’d try to wriggle her way out of your arms in trying to get herself on the floor. She keeps herself real busy crawling her wobbly crawls just about anywhere clamouring over stuff and grabbing on to anything which allows her to pull herself up in to a standing position. She is also now very able to sit upright without any support when she’s had enough crawling, and has been able to keep herself occupied for a good 5 minutes at least being busy with stacking cups or just watching Animal Planet.
Spud’s a very busy little imp these days, and I feel so exhausted just watching her go! While it is indeed a little too early for a 7 month old to be walking, this little imp seems to be quite hell-bent in beating the odds. She tries all the time, and every single time she pulls herself up to a standing position, she immediately moves one of her feet forward. Sometimes I swear I think she thinks she can already walk, as right after she gets herself into a standing position, she forgets that there’s nothing for her to hold on to as she moves her other foot. Guess what happens?
Yep, this is usually the point where she loses her balance and if we are not there to catch her fall, plop! she’ll go on her side, crash to the floor and then a little pause before she wails her loudest drama-mama wail.
Sometimes it is quite hilarious to just watch her (and I mean it in a very endearing way). And each time she tries, I have to remind her that, No Spud, it is nice that you are trying but no darling, you can’t quite walk yet and neither is your body physically ready to allow you to walk at the moment. But, you can keep trying though!
Spud is certainly developing personality of her own. And, being extremely determined and strong-willed seems to be one of the few distinctive traits she has shown.
One thing we noticed though, Spud does not seem to care very much for toys. I mean she does acknowledge them and play with them for a little bit, but that’s about it and so far, she has not shown any sort of attachment to them. She loses interest in them quite quickly. She does get all intrigued with the L.A.B.E.L.S she found on her toys, though. Those labels is able to keep her occupied for quite a while. How weird is that!
Here are just some random shots of Spud doing her thing:

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