Monday, February 14, 2011

Sunday sadness

I was in the kitchen yesterday afternoon, when I heard a distressed, agonising shriek from Silver Bullet who was in the living room. His voice almost scared the daylight out of me as my first thought immediately raced to Spud, thinking if something had happened to her. As my heart started to palpitate,  I  quickly rushed out of the kitchen asking "what!what! what!" and only to find Silver Bullet pointing out to our balcony...

I can understand why he gave such a distressful shriek because, the moment I saw the scene  from our living room and onto the balcony, my heart broke into a million pieces.

There, in a rather massive plot of land next to our apartment building, lay a darn crane taking out the foliage of trees which had been our view in the last few years to make way for yet another redundant condominium.

It was also quite nerve-wrecking to watch as they were doing it rather dangerously, basically just hammering away at the branches of the tree with the crane, and having these massive trees falling off on the power lines in broad daylight where people were still walking around and cars zooming pass by! They stopped at the 3rd picture below as it was almost 6 pm. Not the most professional job of cutting trees here for sure, and if they are not careful in the next few days, it will certainly be "goodbye electricity" too!

We spent a good hour on our Sunday looking out of our balcony watching the scene unfolded and going  "Oh no! Oh no!" over and over again as they took out the trees, one by one, by one...



I am hopeful that they will not be able to take out that other huge tree on the right hand side.  Given Thais are the superstitious lot and afraid of ghosts, perhaps, we should start spread some rumour about a haunted tree spirit lurking by so they will immediately stop the work

Sigh! We had such a nice view these few years and it is a shame that they are cutting down tress for another concrete jungle.

Leave those greens alone. I want my trees back!!!

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