Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spud, Swim lesson and Me

We have apparently hit the mid-term break for Spud’s swimming lesson (aka playing water) after 4 lessons. As it turned out, along with Silver Bullet, I am now an active parent-participant in the baby pool since lesson #2 and so, am no longer watching the Father-Daughter bonding from the sidelines. I now actually get to be a part of it!

The irony of it all I tell you!

It started when during lesson #2, Spud decided to play her super cranky card because she had mightily refused (as always!) to take her morning nap. She had nicely woken up before 6 am that day and knowing how she’d react later in the morning, we both had painstakingly tried to get her to nap, but to no avail. And so, by the time we got to the Infant Swimming Centre, she was of course, extremely spent, fussy and cranky. Her mood worsened as her crankiness cranked up ten-folds the moment Silver Bullet got in the pool with her. Within 10 minutes into the lesson, she was crying bloody murder and was inconsolable. Hence, after riding it out for 15 minutes, Silver Bullet gave up, decided not to push it and left the pool.

I was watching from the sidelines throughout the entire time, and I thought: there goes one nice only 30 minutes lesson down the drain just because the little imp refused her nap! I actually felt quite bummed by it all not only because she was cranky, but I also thought there’s nothing we can do about the loss of one lesson. Hence, we were really pleasantly surprised when the instructor, whom I believe, by the virtue of his job, has seen enough of such situation in his lifetime, told us that we could come back and try again later at the next baby class on the same day.

I guess all was not lost, and while we both were rather apprehensive about coming back because of her mood, it was really nice to know that they cater “make-up” class for such things!. We left the place feeling frustratingly exhausted but hopeful for what might turn out later. And guess what! As soon as we left the venue, Spud almost immediately went down for a half-hour nap! (Figures, right!)

True to being Spud, that was the only nap she was to have till after we got back to the venue for another baby session that was to commence at 3.30pm. And true to being Spud-Spud, she decided to honour us with her much awaited nap fifteen minutes before the lesson was about to start! We can’t help but roll our eyeballs as we tried to gently wake her up. She continued to be cranky when Silver Bullet brought her into the pool. But this time, since I wore my swimming costume in anticipation of her crankiness, I decided I might as well join in to entertain her and see if my presence would actually calm her down. This time, she lasted the entire half hour session!

I was actually expecting the instructor to be scornful of both parents being in the pool (mind you, it will get too crowded if they allow both parents to go in, and I can understand that  it is not something they'd encourage!), but he was all welcoming, and not at all unfriendly about it. (or if he was, then he did a good job pretending!). In fact, he was rather supportive about it, saying that sometimes, a child might just prefer that mommy is around. (Unfortunately, this mommy is just nervous about having the baby in the water with her and so, not the first choice candidate here to teach her child how to confidently swim!)

I, on the other hand, felt relieved that, despite all the stupid faces I had to pull to get her to calm down, it all went well at the end of the day. We were completely worn-out, but happy nonetheless that they were able to make it work for us.

And that my friends, was the story of how my daughter had, in her own way, conned me to join her in the pool so I can pull silly faces for the whole world to see just so she could be kept entertained!

There really is no dignity left when you become a mother, I swear.

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