Sunday, February 17, 2013

The gift of an ordinary day

This is a video for parents out there. Keep those Kleenex handy.

If you have seen this, it is not exactly a sad video. It is actually a happy video...but one that just happened to tug at the heart-strings. I wasn't spared and tears were just rolling on my cheeks in the first few minutes of watching it.

Sometimes I wonder why I have a headache at the end of the day. And sometimes, I fall apart, caving in to my vulnerabilities while exposing my raw, yet tender heart. It is things like this that reminds me to appreciate the things I have in life. A handful as my kids can be and driving me to the brink of insanity, they are just being kids, they are happy and healthy, and they are reaching their developmental milestones. They bring out the worst and the best in me and they spur me on to not only become a better parent, but a better person for them to look up to.

We can only cherish every moment from here on. They grow up too fast.

Related post:
Spud's little big bed

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