Saturday, November 10, 2012

Toddler Bed Rails in Review

Getting bedside railings, otherwise also known as rail guards, installed may not seem to be all that necessary when transitioning a toddler from the cot bed to a toddler bed. For us, however, it seemed to be a logical thing to do as Spud tends to travel all over the bed when she is sleeping. 

Unfortunately, trying to find a bedside rail proved to be quite a challenge in Bangkok. Getting reasonably priced ones… well…they just don’t exist! 

The one and only type we came across had come from Mother care. And one rail cost almost a whopping 5000 baht! 

I guess we could have bought only one. We could have Spud’s bed pushed to the wall, but because Spud is such a creature of habit, we reckon it would be hard to convince her to sleep where her bed position is different from the one she has been used to.  And really, when it comes to her bedtime, we don’t really want to mess too much with it. Reluctantly, we bought 2 of those rails; costing us way too much money than what we think they should cost. 

But it has to be done, and we just had to bite the bullet. 

My verdict on them:
Bed rails are nothing but a functional buy. These particular ones we bought were quite a pain in the ass to put together. They certainly are useful, but (in my opinion) extremely overpriced. 

The only consolation is that they are pretty sturdy, and  it is quite impossible for my child to fall out of her bed. 

Mother Care does seem to have (almost!)  anything and everything one needs for a baby to a a price. 

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