Friday, November 9, 2012

Peppermint Mocha

Look what made its way back on the menu!

I caught myself smiling my silly grin at virtually no one in particular when I saw “Peppermint Mocha” reflected on the board.  Yep! My favourite beverage of the year is making its round again.

That cool, minty, mocha-ey, wintery, festive drink is a splendid little number and will be my drink for a few months until they take it off their menu again.

With Peppermint Mocha (and I mean Peppermint Mocha only!), no other can do it better as opposed to Starbucks. And with all the Christmassy decorations going on, I am being reminded once again that the holiday season is not too far away now.

I smell Christmas and year-end holiday mood already.

Gosh! I cannot believe that November  crept in ever so sneakily. Where did all the months go?

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