Friday, July 6, 2012

Therapy in baking

This Friday marks the end of the semester for Spud. To celebrate the occasion, the school will be organising a "Fun Day" for those in Nursery and so, has kindly requested for parents to allow their kids to bring a dish for the kids.

They did not really specify what "dish" means, so I took the liberty to translate that it will include cookies and cakes...

And so, I rounded up some butter, chocolate sprinklers, sugar and flour and created a batch of these from my oven...

Freshly baked Mini Chocolate Rice Cupcakes
It is not like I have so much time on my hands or anything, but the request from the school was such a perfect excuse for me to de-stress, take a little bit time off from a crying baby, and get lost in my own little baking world.

Afterall, there is so much joy in baking, and for me, baking is therapy.

And ohhhhh....! That aroma of freshly baked goodies filling the entire apartment and hallway is just unbeatable.

Some were a little over-baked as I was distracted to do a little bit of multi-tasking (oops!), but I made sure that I separated those from the bunch which I carefully set aside for Spud to bring for her mates.

I realised that it is not the healthiest of "dish" to bring for a bunch of toddlers and parents would likely be scorning away of such sweets ...but I guess, for kids at that age, stuff like this can be quite a treat.

I hope the kids love it! (I know for certain that Spud does as she kept asking for "more cookie")

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