Thursday, June 21, 2012

21 Days

Today is one of those days when I feel like a zombie personified.

Although I have pretty much been “sitting around just breastfeeding” all day, round the clock with no immediate obligation to cook or clean or pulling my weight around the house, I’m feeling absofuckinlutesupremely exhausted. 

At this point, my state of well-being has been severely compromised after enduring 3 weeks of broken sleep and 3 consecutive days of being woken up almost hourly for a night feed and tending to Squirt who is showing no signs of sleeping through more than 2 hours at night. On top of that, Squirt has also been fussing quite a bit in the last few days, and could not settle as easily. 

I think the hospital messed up – did they not get my instructions that they ought to be giving me (a) a less cranky baby and( b) one that sleeps 4-5 straight hours at night (c)one who does not need the boobs every half hour?

Times like this, I feel like throwing in the towel. Unfortunately, THAT, we know is not an option. I signed up for this (what was I thinking?!) and, crap!  It is not like I can return the baby back to the sender!  

My saving grace at this point is the fact that my parents are currently in town, and I am thankful for that extra pair of hands around the house.

Squirt and Nya-yi (Grandma)
On top of that, my ever-patient mom has been a great help to have around. Not only does she have a knack for calming down babies and take over from me before I go bonkers, we also get to eat freshly made, yummy home-cooked food. 

So yes, our household has been a little bit more than crazy these days with not only Squirt’s erratic feeding and sleeping schedule, but with Spud’s earth-shattering wails and temper tantrums almost throughout the day as well. 

We’ve got to remind ourselves that  “This too, shall soon pass.”  (I'm covering my ears now going

Somehow, that seems to be the mantra we live by these days…5 bloody "magic" words to get us by. (I'm really looking forward to the day when we can look back and laugh about this)

Now, darling Squirt, can you please, please, please be kind tonight and sleep at least 3-4 hours at a stretch so your parents can at least have some decent shut-eye.

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