Saturday, May 25, 2013

Being Spud

When Silver Bullet decided to keep his precious guitars out of Squirt’s curious hands - little hands that kept plucking the strings, retuning his guitars and turning the knobs unnecessarily -  Spud did not waste too much time and was quick to claim the vacant spot as her own...


Talk about being opportunistic!  

Needless to say, when Silver Bullet placed his (now covered) guitars back to where they belonged, she wasn’t too happy about it. In fact, she whined and whined and insisted that HER guitar be placed back at the guitar stand. She was not going to have her way; her Papa made sure of that.

I watched the entire episode unfolded with a cheeky grin plastered on my face. I thought the whole thing was hilarious. Cute, even.  

His two precious instruments are now placed in their rightful spots.

Somehow, the colourful plastic guitar did look endearing when placed over there. It sorts of brighten up the room too, don't you think? :)

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