Thursday, August 25, 2011

Words of wisdom

I chanced upon this blog written by  "The Good Chinese Mother" when I read the comments section in response to a particular Tiger Mom article from the Guardian.

I have to admit that when I saw her blog address underneath her own comments, I actually gave it a once over. But after reading several more of the comments below hers, the one person who gave a thumbs-up toThe Good Chinese Mother's site provoked my curiosity.

I went on to kaypo on her site, and found her style of writing quite appealing. There is this sense of honesty, so down to earth and oh-so-earnest kind of feeling to it. It was written with so much love, respect and a holy sort of gentleness only experienced mothers would have. She's got a very interesting background too!

Reading on, 2 particular posts had me almost teary eyed. Despite the lump in my throat, I ended the read with a smile on my face. I like her parenting style, and deep inside, I wish I could apply her wisdom to Spud later on in life. From her 2 essays on "Do I have to take a bath" and "Why do I have to go to bed now?", she struck me as someone with the patience of a saint...

So much to learn, and this is one site which has some practical, tried and tested advice which I find extremely useful for our later years in parenting.

I know I just need to work on that thing called patience a little bit more.


Cynthia Lim said...

Dear the sleeping dragon,

Many thanks for visiting my blog. You give me too much credit for my patience. My daughter will be the first to tell you that patience is not one of my virtues. When she and I disagree, the shouting match is legendary and only pales in comparison to the slamming doors.

I am not frightened by disagreements and battles with my daughter because I am confident that she knows I love her unconditionally.

I see that you live in Bangkok. The Land of Smiles was home to us for five years, and we will forever be grateful to the Thais for taking such good care of us when my husband was diagnosed and treated for cancer.


The Sleeping Dragon said...

hi there cynthia,
thank you for taking the time to post a comment. Wow! You are really well-travelled. We have been here way too long...!

Sorry to hear about your husband, and I hope that he is well now. I'm sure you have plenty of nice memories from the time u were here. And, apart from tall buildings sprouting all around, I don't think things have changed very much in this country, otherwise! :)

Parenting is indeed a tough job...and at this stage, I am barely there!