Fifty frickin' five thousand, two hundred and thirty eight individuals (and still counting!) will be "attending" the event from almost across the world from Shanghai, to Australia, through the US of A and even The Netherlands. This curry movement is just phenomenally insane!
I have never seen such unity to be honest and I am both impressed and amazed by this..especially since it is a movement for a pot of curry! On the hindsight though, I'm kind of wondering how many of those 'attending' would actually commit to this eventually...
Anyhow, the heat is on. Amazing how I can feel the excitement from here and it makes me feel more excited as I see the number on the counter increases by the minute! Some of the slogans they come up with are hilarious. This one here is one of my favourites:
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Source: Facebook Cook and Share a Pot of Curry page |
Sunday I come!
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