Dig these picturesque view taken from the road side while we were driving along ...
Well, OK. My point and shoot camera skills probably did not do them any justice, and in case you are wondering, these are sights of budding tulips and blossoming hyacinths --- staples of a typical spring scenery which canvassed the landscape of Holland. With colours so vibrant to the naked eye, and scent intoxicating (in a nice way!), the sheer sight of them even from afar made me feel so jubilant and light! Most certainly a nice change from the usual concrete jungle. Sights that are worth more than just a moment of your time as they were simply breathtaking.
We actually went to check out some nearby tulip fields earlier on in the week (I'm sure much to Spud's chagrin of having to be strapped in the car-seat again!) on our way to a nearby zoo, but found out that they were not blossoming just yet. I was told that we oughtta give it a few more days, and they would almost definitely be in full bloom before we leave.
While I'm not much of a flower person, I strangely have a thing for tulips (and a few other types of flowers). And so, the prospect of actually being able to see rows and rows and rows of vibrant, real blossoming tulips at the right time and right place sounded extremely exciting to me! I was certainly more than ready to give it a few more days and see them again, come hell or high water or the fact that Spud does not like long car-rides. (Suck it up on this one, kiddo!)
Silver Bullet was certainly playing tourist in his own country.
Here are some random shots taken over that several days...and...and...and...albeit a little half-baked looking, we now have our very first family portrait! (I know, how sad right. It took us all but almost 9 months to appear in one picture together!)
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