Friday, April 5, 2013

The ice-cream monster

Born to a chocoholic mother who also happens to find a lot of contentment from a bowl of good, creamy ice-cream, it is not a big surprise that Spud is now slowly gravitating to liking such treats.

In fact, she has been showing a lot of interest towards both chocolates AND ice-cream, and asking for them quite often. (I have stash of M&Ms, and these days, I have to hide my M&Ms from her and make sure that she doesn’t see them!)

She does get such treats every once in a while – usually for good conduct or for eating her meals- and only in small quantities. There was however, one fine day when I took her out, bought her an ice-cream , thought “what the hell!” and gave her the autonomy to hold the ice-cream cone, which resulted in her polishing off ALMOST the entire one scoop of ice-cream in a cone all by herself!

You should have seen the light in her eyes - she absolutely loved the experience, and since then she would not want anyone to hold her ice-cream for her. In fact, when she knows there is an ice-cream for her, she would tell me, “No. not for Mama. Only Spud.” Such a cheeky little monkey!

While she loves the colour pink and would occasionally asked for “the pink one”, she changes her mind when we let her taste it because they tend to be the berry-flavoured ice-cream (raspberry) and are usually quite sour .

Her favourite ice-cream, so far? It has got to be the blue or the green coloured ice-cream. And that’s usually mint and chocolate chip ice-cream for you; a flavor I was surprised that a little tot like her would like. But I can’t complain, mint and chocolate chip ice-cream is my favourite flavor too.

I guess it would only be a matter of time before Spud would refuse to share her ice cream with me.

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